Chipmark Project

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Chipmark is a fun project in which a group of University of Minnesota students have worked together — with advice from me — to build a distributed bookmarking system.  Check it out at!  It's wonderful if you use many different browsers in your day-to-day Internet life, because you can share the chipmarks among the browsers effortlessly.  The main interface is through a browser plugin, for either Firefox or Internet Explorer.

The other cool feature of Chipmark is that three teams of 12 students each have worked together over the past three years to do all of the implementation themselves.  It has been a great learning experience for all of us — and I expect to see them doing great things out in the world as they graduate.

URLs Matter in Social Bookmarking

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Interesting article that argues that getting noticed in social bookmarking sites is based on your apparent popularity. The difference between being in the top 10 list and not in the top 10 list can be huge; one important factor even for very popular sites is making sure everyone bookmarks your site by the same URL. The article mentions a couple of ways of doing this.