GroupLens to have five papers at CSCW 2014
By Brent Hecht on
We’re happy to announce that GroupLens had five papers accepted at ACM CSCW 2014, a high-profile social computing conference:
- “Specialization, Homophily, and Gender in a Social Curation Site: Findings from Pinterest” – Shuo Chang (GroupLens), Vikas Kumar (GroupLens), Eric Gilbert (Georgia Tech), Loren Terveen (GroupLens)
- “Managing Political Differences in Social Media” – Catherine Grevet (Georgia Tech), Loren Terveen (GroupLens), Eric Gilbert (Georgia Tech)
- “Leveraging the Contributory Potential of User Feedback” – Mikhil Masli (GroupLens), Loren Terveen (GroupLens)
- “Capturing Quality: Retaining Provenance for Curated Volunteer Monitoring Data” – S. Andrew Sheppard (GroupLens), Andrea Wiggins (Cornell University), Loren Terveen (GroupLens)
- “To Search or to Ask: The Routing of Information Needs Between Traditional Search Engines and Social Networks” – Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch (Northwestern University), Brent Hecht (GroupLens), Merrie Morris (Microsoft Research), Jaime Teevan (Microsoft Research), Darren Gergle (Northwestern University)
Special thanks to our collaborators at Georgia Tech’s lab, Northwestern’s CollabLab, DataONE, and Microsoft Research. Stay tuned for preprints and blog posts on each paper!